Thinking hard about my online activities

I am considering taking a long break off from the internet. Even though I've been producing alot of projects, I am  not able to find the time to put them up online. It's a trade off between spending time putting up posts and time working on the projects themselves. And I'm finding myself putting priority on the actual project work. I guess I'm not at point where I need to push my work into the public eye.

Today I was reading some famous local blogs' and found myself looking at the bloggers' work for Creative Scrappers. Why did that name sound so familiar? I just recalled, I used to be on their creative team! :D

Here's one of my works for Sketch #31

Kekekeke. Memories. Even though I removed all my personal online links, I have to admit I cannot control what's left online from my previous public work. I have mixed feelings about this, even as I now ponder my path for the future.

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