Signed up as an Affiliate for Artist Empowerment Class

Click the link to sign up for this class.
The Artist Empowerment Class is an online class that I'm hoping to attend when it begins on 11 July 2011 and lasts through 6 weeks.
Who is this class for? Creatives of all types. Writers, painters, potters, jewelry makers, anyone who is creative.
According to the description, this class will help anyone who is creative to become unstuck, work through fears, deal with people who work against you, and help you soar! Robyn the class instructor has a testimonial page from past students. After signing up, a workbook will be sent to you, that will be used in the class together. There will be weekly group chats, assignments, and there will be one on one coaching as needed.
I'm hoping to earn some extra $$$ to help me defray the costs of all these classes that I'm attending! So I signed up for the affiliate programme. If you're planning to attend this class and you register via my link, I'll be able to earn some money! So, I hope you'll use my link, in this post or at the side bar.
Thanks for your patience. I hope this new endeavour works out! :D
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